Google Adwords

    • From £ 399.00

Google Adwords is a highly effective way to drive targeted traffic to your website by bidding for a position agsint a user search. Searchers can be targeted by location, demographic, their interests, and of course - their keywords.

You can block certain keywords or websites, and you can change your bidding price according to a specigic daily budget, a keyword budget or the time of day. Google offers multiple channels for your advert to appear - text search, image search, display adverts (visuals on third party sites) and Google Shopping. 

See below for the services offered within Google Adwords.

Size (required)

Simple Setup: I will create you up to 2 simple Adwords Campaigns (e.g. Shirts, Shoes), each of which has 4 Ad Groups (e.g. Mens Shoes, Women's Shoes, Kids Shoes, Work Shoes), each of which can target a group of up to 50 keywords (e.g. brown mens shoes, smart shoes, black mens dress shoes). I will create text adverts that appear against a Google web search ; and set your advertising budgets accordingly 

Advanced Setup: As above, though I will additionally apply any geolocation and demographic targeting. I will set the campaigns to target previous visitors to your site (retargeting), and also create 4 Display Adverts per campaign. I will also connect your eCommerce platform to the Google Shopping feed via Merchant Center.

Simple Setup and 6mth Management: Setup as above, plus 2 hourly monthly checks to block 'negative' keywords and sites; modify the adverts for best performance, identify any new keywords. Where possible, I will also train you to manage the Adwords account going forward 

Advanced Setup and 6mth Management: Setup as above, plus 2 hourly monthly checks to block 'negative' keywords and sites; modify the adverts for best performance, identify any new keywords. Where possible, I will also train you to manage the Adwords account going forward